The 5000th brew has kick started a return to the seasonal ale Calendar for us at Bradfield Brewery. After the great success of our 5k Brew and keen interest in our seasonal ale availability from both the pubs and our fans at home, we’ve decided that the rest of the Seasonal Ale line up for 2020 WILL go ahead!
So next up is Farmers Jack-O-Lantern, a popular Autumnal seasonal ale, lightly hopped and amber coloured at 4.5%. This will be available from 5th October in 9 & 18gallon cask with the 5 litre mini kegs to follow shortly after.
Whilst there may not be any remembrance event gatherings being held this year, it will not stop us commemorating our fallen soldiers with our Farmers Poppy Ale. 10pence from every pint sold of this fruity golden ale is donated to the Royal British Legion and will be available in 9 & 18gallon casks from mid-October, with 5 litre mini kegs available shortly after.